Comic-themed bonus content!

Two in the Frosty Queris.

Sarya: Darkslayer, you’ve been fighting for quite some time. Your hair and beard have grown a bit.

Darkslayer: Is that so? They were just numerous, nothing more. No big deal.

Sarya:You’re always on the battlefield. It’s unavoidable.

Darkslayer: It ain’t right to be all grubby in your pristine space. Got it? I’ll tidy up. And Sarya, why don’t you kick back and take off that tiara? Just relax a bit.

Sarya: You don’t have to worry about it… I understand.

Darkslayer: Tidied up my appearance.

Sarya: …You’re too neat.

to be continued

Lavna’s Determination!

Lavna: Teehee! Finally, I can convey my overflowing charm through illustrations just like everyone else. With this, Chelsea is a thing of the past. It’s pitiful to be forever in my shadow, isn’t it?

Chelsea: Oh my, you’re saying quite the daring thing, aren’t you? Now that I, who was already quite popular in text form, have been immortalized in illustrations, you still want to challenge me to a match that you’ll just lose?

Lavna: Well, I won’t lose though!

Chelsea: Oh my, such confidence you have!

Lavna: Well, this is actually how I am in real life.

Chelsea: Hey, that’s not fair…

to be continued
